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Last updated: 15 October 2019


Weekly Activities

We hope this page will give you some idea of what's happening in our friendly church!  For current information, see the newsletter.

Worship on Sunday

Sunday morning worship at 10.30am is the focal point of our life together at Guiseley Methodist Church. There is a crèche for babies and toddlers.

The evening service at 6.00pm is often quieter and more reflective. 

Services of Holy Communion are held every month - see the plan for details.

.All-age Family Worship is normally held on the second Sunday of each month and takes the form of a 'Parade Service' when our Scouts & Guides organisations, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts join us.

Junior Church (age 3 and upwards)
Meets on Sunday mornings at 10.30am sharing part of the morning service with the whole Church family and part of the service worshipping together. The aim is to learn more about Christian values and the world around us.

Midweek Worship

Tuesday morning's 9.30am Service of Prayer and Meditation is a peaceful time to recharge the batteries for the week ahead.


These take place on an evening in the homes of church members where sharing and caring, learning more of the life of Christ are the aims.

Services at Primrose Court
Once a month a group from the Church takes a service at Primrose Court, a local sheltered housing scheme for the elderly. See the Services page for dates and times

Coffee Stop

One of the places new people encounter the warmth of our welcome is at our weekly Thursday morning Coffee Stop, offering a place of introduction and a friendly atmosphere. The church foyer is large and light and coffee is served from 10:00 am. An enjoyable meeting place before or after shopping.  It's a good place to ' put the world right ' and to enjoy a relaxing half-hour in pleasant company.

 Youth Work
Guiseley Methodist Church welcomes all young people. There are Scouts and Guides groups as well as Parents & Tots

Guiding           Scouting

The Choir
Please see the page devoted to the Choir
Meets on Monday evenings for energetic games of Badminton and fellowship.
 Womens' Fellowship
Meets on alternate Tuesday afternoons for fellowship together
Parents and Tots
Meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays providing a friendly and inviting environment where parents and young children can come along and meet other young families.

Please contact the Tots Group Leader Emma for further details and to check if there are places available  --  call or text 07809572061


Group 13
Meets on or near to the 13th of every month, enjoying a miscellany of speakers, visits to places of interest, walks and weekends away


Knit & Natter

Please join us on Monday's:  9.30 - 11.30am.  We knit for charities, refugees, premature babies etc. 



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